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Probing substituent effects in aryl-aryl interactions using stereoselective diels-alder cycloadditions

机译:使用立体选择性diels-alder环加成探测芳基 - 芳基相互作用中的取代基效应



Stereoselective Diels−Alder cycloadditions that probe substituent effects in aryl−aryl sandwich complexes were studied experimentally and theoretically. Computations on model systems demonstrate that the stereoselectivity in these reactions is mediated by differential π-stacking interactions in competing transition states. This allows relative stacking free energies of substituted and unsubstituted sandwich complexes to be derived from measured product distributions. In contrast to gas-phase computations, dispersion effects do not appear to play a significant role in the substituent effects, in accord with previous experiments. The experimental π-stacking free energies are shown to correlate well with Hammett σ[subscript m] constants (r = 0.96). These substituent constants primarily provide a measure of the inductive electron-donating and -withdrawing character of the substituents, not donation into or out of the benzene π-system. The present experimental results are most readily explained using a recently proposed model of substituent effects in the benzene sandwich dimer in which the π-system of the substituted benzene is relatively unimportant and substituent effects arise from direct through-space interactions. Specifically, these results are the first experiments to clearly show that OMe enhances these π-stacking interactions, despite being a π-electron donor. This is in conflict with popular models in which substituent effects in aryl−aryl interactions are modulated by polarization of the aryl π-system.
机译:在理论和实验上研究了立体选择性Diels-Alder环加成反应,探讨了芳基-芳基三明治复合物中取代基的作用。对模型系统的计算表明,这些反应中的立体选择性是由竞争性过渡态中不同的π堆积相互作用介导的。这允许从测量的产物分布中获得取代的和未取代的夹心复合物的相对堆积自由能。与气相计算相反,与以前的实验一致,分散效应在取代基效应中似乎没有发挥重要作用。实验表明,π堆积自由能与Hammettσ[下标m]常数具有很好的相关性(r = 0.96)。这些取代基常数主要提供了取代基的感应供电子和吸电子特性的量度,而不是供入或流出苯π系统的量。使用最近提出的苯夹心二聚体中取代基效应的模型最容易解释本实验结果,在该模型中,取代苯的π系统相对不重要,取代基效应由直接的空间相互作用引起。具体而言,这些结果是第一个清楚地表明OMe增强了这些π堆积相互作用的实验,尽管它是π电子供体。这与流行的模型相冲突,在流行的模型中,芳基-芳基相互作用中的取代基效应通过芳基π系统的极化来调节。



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